
Deploying FCJ Management Application with Auto Scaling Group


In this exercise, we will deploy the application with an Auto Scaling Group to ensure the scalability of the application according to user needs. Additionally, we will implement a Load Balancer to distribute the load and manage user access requests to our Application Tier.

Make sure to review the [Deploying FCJ Management Application on a Windows/AmazonLinux Virtual Machine] document and understand how to deploy the application on the virtual machine. We will utilize the virtual machine deployed for FCJ Management for large-scale deployment and scaling within the Auto Scaling Group.

Auto Scaling Group

An Auto Scaling Group is a collection of EC2 Instances. This group has the ability to automatically adjust the number of EC2 Instance members based on the configured scaling policy.

Launch Template

A Launch Template is a feature that allows you to create a template for initializing EC2 Instances. This simplifies and streamlines the process of creating EC2 Instances for use with the Auto Scaling service.

Load Balancer

A Load Balancer is a tool that distributes incoming data traffic to AWS resources, specifically EC2 Instances in this lab, within a designated Target Group.

Target Group

A Target Group is a set of AWS resource elements that receive data traffic routed by the Load Balancer.

Auto Scaling Group


  1. Introduction
  2. Preparation Steps
  3. Initialize Template
  4. Initialize Target Group
  5. Initialize Load Balancer
  6. Initialize Auto Scaling Group
  7. Check Results
  8. Resource Cleanup