Create Load Balancer

Create Load Balancer

  1. Access to EC2

    • Select Load Balancers
    • Select Create Load Balancer

Load Balancer

  1. Section Load balancer types

    • Select HTTP/HTTPS
    • Select Create

Load Balancer

  1. In the Create Application Load Balancer interface

    • Load balancer name, enter FCJ-Management-LB
    • Scheme, select Internet-facing
    • IP address type, select IPv4

Load Balancer

  1. Configure Network mapping

    • VPC, select the VPC created in the lab.
    • Mapping, select ap-southeast-1a and ap-southeast-1b
    • Select subnet

Load Balancer

  1. Configure security group, select FCJ-Management-SG.

    • Section Listeners and routing, in Default actions select FCJ-Management-TG

Load Balancer

  1. Check again and select Create load balancer

Load Balancer

  1. Create Application Load Balancer successfully and select View load balancer

Load Balancer

  1. In the Load Balancer interface. The Load Balancer creation process will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. You can check the status change from provisioning to active in the Load Balancer list.

    • Select FCJ-Management-LB
    • Copy DNS name of Load Balancer.

Load Balancer

  1. Access by pasting DNS name into the browser. However, at the moment we only have a single EC2 server.

Load Balancer

Next, we will proceed to configure the Auto Scaling Group feature, which will automatically increase the number of our EC2 instances when the traffic is high.