Create DB instance

Create DB instance

  1. Go to AWS Management Console

    • Find RDS
    • Select RDS

Create DB instance

  1. In RDS interface

    • Select Databases
    • Select Create database

Create DB instance

  1. Choose the method to create database

    • Select Standard create

Create DB instance

  1. Configure Engine database

    • Select MySQL

Create DB instance

  1. Configure Template

    • Select Production
    • For Availability and durability, select Multi-AZ DB instance

Create DB instance

  1. Next, make detailed settings

    • DB instance identifier, enter fcj-management-db-instance
    • Master user, enter admin
    • Master password, enter your choice (in the lab, enter 123Vodanhphai)
    • Confirm password, enter the password again.

Create DB instance

  1. Perform network configuration for db instance

    • Network type, select IPv4
    • VPC, select asg-vpc created
    • Subnet group, select the created subnet group.
    • VPC security group, Select Choose existing
    • Security Group, select FCJ-Management-DB-SG (to avoid confusion with web SG).

Create DB instance

  1. Initialize Database with the name awsuer, leave the rest to default.

Create DB instance

Note: In the Deletion protection option, the default value is Enable, which helps protect the database from being accidentally deleted. However, in this lab, we Disable Deletion protection for easier resource cleanup at the end of the lab.

  1. Check again and select Create database

Create DB instance

  1. Initialize DB instance in 10 minutes. When Status changes to Available, it’s done.

    • Select the db instance just created.

Create DB instance

  1. In the Connectivity & security interface

    • Store the value of Endpoint
    • Check port 3306

Create DB instance

Create DB instance