Create EC2 instance

Create EC2 instance

  1. Go to AWS Management Console

    • Find EC2
    • Select EC2

Create EC2 instance

  1. In the EC2 interface

    • Select Instances
    • Select Launch instances

Create EC2 instance

  1. Name instance, enter FCJ-Management

Create EC2 instance

  1. Made for AMI

    • Select Quick Start

    • Select Amazon Linux

Create EC2 instance

  1. Select Instance type

    • Select t2.micro
    • Select Create new key pair

Create EC2 instance

  • Configure key pair.

Create EC2 instance

  1. Configure Network

Create EC2 instance

  • VPC, select the created VPC.
  • Subnet, select Public subnet
  • Check if Auto-assign public IP?. If you have not reviewed the step of allocating public IP in the step of creating VPC.
  • Select Select existing security group and then select FCJ-Management-SG

Create EC2 instance

  1. Select Launch instance

Create EC2 instance

  1. Successfully initialized instance and select View all instances

Create EC2 instance

  1. View instance details and note Public IPv4 address to make the connection in the next step.

Create EC2 instance